A great article - thank you! We have no mushrooms but we do have plenty of weeds in the fields. I call them forbes and the cows just eat them! Except the thistles! Thistles are my nemesis! A good mow at the right stage of the growing cycle helps.

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All our neighbours slash/mow their grass and they then graze it heavily and continually and resort to feeding hay in winter. They don’t have weeds and I’m not sure how much that is due to using chemicals or mowing. So we choose not to mow and hopefully in time the weeds will get sorted. I do understand the idea behind mowing but it’s not for us. Burning diesel and risking life and limb on a tractor on our hills is not worth it.

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I totally get that. Our fields are dead flat! Mowing hills is not a thing! Plus I don’t have more cows than the land can feed so it is pretty laid back. You and I are grass farmers - we listen to the fields. I have thought about bringing in goats - but never have.

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Ha ha goats are a challenge! We move ours around in electro netting but I was hoping to subdivide one paddock into many smaller ones for the goats. On our last property we used 4 electric wires and that mostly kept them in. You need netting of some sort around the outside to keep out any predators though. We have a couple getting out of the electro netting so one will go in the freezer but the other is a nanny! She needs retraining.

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I heard this about goats. If goats got out and got into my gardens it would be terrible!

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